Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Action-Filled Parking Wars!

Arguably Action Comics #1 is the single most important publication in the whole history of comic books. Without the success of Superman, the hobby might very well have disappeared long ago, to be part of history like vintage radio shows and dime novels.

The cover by Joe Shuster is a remarkable image, full of energy and drama, not particularly well designed to maximize visual representation of the main character, but certainly well designed to display his awesome power. The image has long been a source for imitation. Here are some of my favorites, many of them from very recent days.

Rip Off


  1. Rip O/T I know but love the Washington Post fact checker on the Darkseid link.

    As you say...

    The Solution Is To Take Things Leaders Say Both Literally And Seriously!

  2. That there was an Underdog variant of the cover delights me to no end.

    1. It was seeing that one which triggered my search for the others. There have been some dandy ones in the last several years, in addition to some particularly good ones over time.

      Rip Off
