Sunday, December 20, 2009

Spidey And "The Man"!

Here's a photo of Stan Lee reading his own work. This collection brings together a few stories by Stan and John Romita when Romita first took over for Steve Ditko, and more importantly gathers together the three stories by Stan and Gil Kane which helped bust the code with the use of a drugs in a storyline.

Of course this is staged, but it's nonetheless a great image, capturing a surprisingly vital Stan in the heyday of his fame. These days I admit I wince when I see Stan in movies or on TV, his self-conscious palaver plays too thick I think. But back in the day, when a little went a very long way, his heavy-handed methods worked much more effectively. Still, despite all his naysayers, he was "The Man" as surely as Kirby was "The King".

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